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  • Writer's pictureIury Campos

Raw water

Updated: Mar 18, 2019

As you’re reading this some poor African kid has been for walking hours looking for a water hole that is probably filled with harmful microbes and he dreams of the filtered tap water we all have the privilege of drinking every day and yet some American cunt decided why not bottle some dirty water and start selling it for £13 a 2.5 gallon jug with a minimum 4 jugs purchase.

In this post, I’m talking about raw water a ridiculous cash grab turned into social media health trend in 2017 which continued to gain popularity all the way through 2018. You may be wondering, whats raw water? Simple, unfiltered and unprocessed water bottled into glass jugs directly from the cesspit these degenerates found the shit.

The process of treating dirty water usually goes as followed coagulation/flocculation to make unwanted particles in the water stick together, then sedimentation where the now chunky particles fall to the bottom of the basin leaving pure water at the top, the sludge is removed and the clear water is moved into an another basin, then comes filtration where the water is passed through a filter to remove smaller particles that might have escaped the sedimentation step and finally disinfection usually with fluoride and UV beds to get rid of the harmful pathogens that would be in the water, this is all basic stuff the people who did triple science at GCSE should have studied this in chemistry and the rest of you should have picked this knowledge up somewhere throughout your lives( if you haven't I am very disappointed in you, tut tut). Processing water is very important as water is a natural home for nasty bacterial, viral and parasitic illnesses such as dysentery, E-coli, cholera, Gastroenteritis and hookworms, I could list many many more but you get the point.

So we know unfiltered water is bad and “raw water” is a fancy way of saying unfiltered water. So why the fuck did people believe this shit. How stupid and gullible do you have to be to fall for some pseudoscience and some flashy lifestyle advertising that goes against basic science we all learn as kids. And don’t get me started on the raw water diet Instagram influencers were trying push. Yes a traditional water diet can be beneficial under certain circumstances and yes the human body can go weeks without food but does that mean a water diet will help everyone and we should all go a week without eating? FUCK NO, and of course they lost weight on the diet, they haven’t eaten in a week and they shat out whatever was in them thanks to diarrhoea they got from the vile water they have been drinking.

Yeah, I know, this is all hard to believe. To prove I’m not bullshitting let's explore the “Live spring water” website together[23]. The first thing that set of my quack radar was an anecdote from “Krystal Pearson Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist” because nothing screams factual and science-based like “ Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist”, she says in her quote “This water is magical” a solid point can’t argue with that, and “ It has beneficial minerals in it and is alive” and this exactly why I’m not drinking this filth I like my water very much dead and microbe-free, E-coli is hardly what I consider a probiotic. The second red flag I found was a video on their site that says raw water is “what we are biologically adapted to as an animal” NO, I don’t understand why people believe nature is on our side, mother nature is a bitch and she’s still pissed we got emancipated when we had enough of her shit. We are not fucking adapted to drink dirty water, there's a reason we get sick when we do. The third red flag is found at the bottom of the page written in a tiny font, “These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” of course they're not because it’s all quackery and extremely dangerous.

Lucky for most of us this trend died off towards the end of 2018 and the Instagram models are jumping on another bs health trend but there are still many people who are drinking and this trash and putting themselves at risk of disease. If you are ever offered raw water turn it down and avoid this at all costs, your gut will thank me later.

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